HWdTech / Portfolio /

CodeFuse Console

Test Automation Tool

United Kingdom

CodeFuse Technology offers all types of test automatization services to clients via a SaaS-based cloud platform


About project

What is so special about it? CodeFuse allows you to execute testing entirely in the cloud and saves your time and money. Using CodeFuse you can create and execute tests right from the first day of work.
  • We spent one man-year on this project. Our team was working on it since October 2016 till May 2017.

  • The project was our result of strong competition between 5 other teams. Despite entering the competition the last and the customer already having a favourite, HWdTech's team has performed highly professional and was chosen among all others.


See an overview of how this project works.

We had four main tasks here

Additionally, we developed a number of small features and UX design (have a look at examples a little more below!).

Admin panel development

Process engine (implementation of tests)

ChromeExtension development

Bug fixing and support



Technologies we used

With the starting of development, code improvement ideas immediately arised.

technical solutions

Our Features

Important part of our work is communication with the customer. We use Agile principles: we have Skype meetings every day (or in specific cases, every other day), where we report about the day's workload and get new operative tasks. This allows our customer to see work in progress and each of us can be more flexible.

It is important for us to fix bugs and support the project. This part was of a great volume and prevailed on the CodeFuse Console project. The important goal was to correct the test planning and implementation.

Our developers improved performance of the system and made it work UP TO 40 times faster. Our team has developed a comfortable UX design.

Our developers created a tagging tool. As there are different kinds of tests, groups of them and their scenarios on CodeFuse, an opportunity of tagging was added so that a user could run specific tests or groups of them.

A process engine — a special tool for planning (on a complex level) and running tests on CodeFuse in the cloud was developed.

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